ItsyLand News

Sunday, August 20, 2006

1.4: GID recognition

Now when you make pets, you don't have to put them anywhere to play with them, just save the GID and when you put it in the little box on the ItsyLand site, the pet will accompany you as you explore!

Make sure you check out your little being's hovercraft!

Current ItsyLand Version: 1.4
Newest Feature: GID recognition

Sunday, July 30, 2006

ItsyLand 1.3!

Another version of ItsyLand: v1.3!
this one has adoptable ItsyPets, which may need a bit of beta testing ^^;
The link is on the menu, and on the 'don't have a pet?' button in the lower right.

Feel free to adopt them, but *PLEASE* let me know if they act weird or anything.
I'll fix any bugs asap ^^
(my e-mail is

Current ItsyLand Version: 1.3
Newest Feature: Adoptable ItsyPets! (beta)

Updates to the ItsyPets

The link is to my new baby Being, Itti

Just for today she'll be an if you want to check out the egg interaction, today is your day!

Updates are:
New Colors
New Interactions: Mouse following
Current ItsyLand Version: 1.1 (unpublished)

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Adoptable ItsyPets in Beta Testing!

Only the Being species will be available at first, but don't worry! That'll change reall soon ^_~

The link is to my Being, Neo.
(He's been helping me test out all the versions of the ItsyPets ^_^)

(Please let me know if there's anything you think i should change, add, or if you'd like to help beta test: my e-mail is
Current ItsyLand Version: 1.0

Friday, July 28, 2006

Version 1.0 is out!

Finally! Version 1.0 is finished ^_^
This version has some new stuff: A special map of itsyland, a working menu, different colored pets, simple pet bios, controllable land movement, smaller processing requirement, and a new itsypet! see if you can find it ^_^

Lookout for:
Adoptable ItsyPets, coming this week!


Current ItsyLand Version: v1.0
Newest Feature: Map! (w00t!)

ItsyLand is Flash!

ItsyLand is now in flash, check out the link!
This blog has been inactive for a while, so i figured i'd use it to give updates on the different versions of ItsyLand ^_^

Only version 0.1 is out now, but i'm going to have 1.0 out this afternoon!

Current ItsyLand Version: 0.1
Newest Feature: Moving Viewpoint

Monday, October 10, 2005

Opal Ocean

This DesktopX Theme (if you don't know what that is, go to and check it out, it's very cool, and I've been using it for years) will be released soon, search for Cute Ocean.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Isn't this a great picture? I took this while my mother and I were visiting germany.
(Not related to Itsies at all, but I wanted to share it)
 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ItsyPlanet Mock-Up

Hi! Thought you might want to see the very first version of ItsyPlanet...I'm working on it now. Posted by Picasa

Welcome Webbies Techies and WebSurfers!

Greetings from ItsyPlanet! Please, feel free to comment on everything here, and on Itsy Oniline, which is here. Thanks for visiting my Blog!

The New Layout was just put up, and still a little glitchy, but just you wait, it'll be amazing when I'm through!