ItsyLand News

Friday, September 23, 2005

Isn't this a great picture? I took this while my mother and I were visiting germany.
(Not related to Itsies at all, but I wanted to share it)
 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ItsyPlanet Mock-Up

Hi! Thought you might want to see the very first version of ItsyPlanet...I'm working on it now. Posted by Picasa

Welcome Webbies Techies and WebSurfers!

Greetings from ItsyPlanet! Please, feel free to comment on everything here, and on Itsy Oniline, which is here. Thanks for visiting my Blog!

The New Layout was just put up, and still a little glitchy, but just you wait, it'll be amazing when I'm through!